-Author of The Kings Cross Sting series
Jennifer Stone
Author, Researcher and
Investigative Journalist of Unsolved crime

Organisations to help you with Missing Persons.
National Missing Persons Coordination Centre.
Free call: 1800 000 634
Email: missing@afp.gov.au
Mail: PO Box 401, Canberra ACT 2601 (Australia)
Website: missingpersons.gov.au
The NMPCC, established in 2006, is a non-operational arm of the Australian Federal Police. It is mandated to reduce the impact of Missing Persons across Australia and is funded by the Federal Government.
Families and Friends of the Missing Persons Unit
Level 1, 160 Marsden Street,
Parramatta NSW 2150
Ph: 1800 633 063, (02) 8688 8173
Email: ffmpu@justice.nsw.gov.au
Website: www.missingpersons.justice.nsw.gov.au
Families and Friends of Missing Persons Unit (FFMPU) provides those effected by the loss of Missing Person with free counselling and support. The FFMPU organises support groups and events to bring together families that may be experiencing similar situations. They can also liaise with Law Enforcement on behalf of the family and have developed a close relationship with the MPR.
Dementia Australia NSW
Macquarie Hospital, Building 21,
Cnr 120 Coxs & Norton Roads, North Ryde, NSW 2113
Ph: 1800 100 500, (02) 9805 0100
Email: nsw.admin@dementia.org.au
Website: www.dementia.org.au
Dementia Australia NSW provides a confidential support service for individuals, families and friends affected by dementia. For a full list of Dementia Australia offices and resources visit the dementia.org.au website.
PO Box 173,
Deakin, ACT 2600.
Ph: 13 11 14, (02) 6215 9400
Website: www.lifeline.org.au
Lifeline provides a national 24 hour telephone counselling and referral service.
Search Options
Australia Red Cross Restoring Family Link (RFL)
level 3, 464 Kent Street,
Sydney, NSW
Ph: 1300 875 199, (02) 9229 4143
Email: tracing@redcross.org.au
Website: familylinks.icrc.org
The Australian Red Cross conducts worldwide searches where contact has been lost due to war, conflict or natural disaster.
International Social Service
Suite 501, 80 William Street,
Woolloomooloo, NSW 2011
Ph: 1300 657 843
Fx: 02 9267 0300
Email: issnsw@iss.ngo.org.au
Website: iss.org.au
The International Social Service traces family members separated by adoption or other legal intervention, international child abduction and voluntary or forced migration.
Link-Up (NSW) Aboriginal Corp.
4/3 Central Place,
Ropes Crossing NSW 2760
Ph: 1800 624 332 (toll free), (02)9421 4700
Fx: 02 4759 2607
Email: linkup@nsw.link-up.org.au
Provides reunion services to adult Aboriginals separated from their families and cultures by government intervention such as adoption, fostering and institutionalisation.