-Author of The Kings Cross Sting series
Jennifer Stone
Author, Researcher and
Investigative Journalist of Unsolved crime

The Kings Cross Sting series
This is a Private Investigation to expose a drug network that has never been exposed before since 1920 and how the drug network control the drug dealers by holding evidence of murder.... The trophies hidden within an unused brothel in the heart of Kings Cross.
One of the early reports fed to the public download free.
Jennifer Stone writes the diaries on how to expose this drug network where the corruption in Police have been the problem for so long. We walk the streets collecting the evidence, we hide in the open to expose the drug runners who are protected to high up Police known as Operation Arkstone.
This is the same drug network that Juanita Nielsen was exposing in her newspaper NOW and investigating when she went missing in 1975 and the danger was all around. We were exposing a drug network that interlinks to controlling drug dealers by trophies of murder.
The murderer of Juanita Nielsen is still alive by my reports a Mr L who lives in Woolloomooloo.
The skull of Juanita Nielsen is kept for a trophy. This murder was done by organised crime and we investigate linking to many unsolved cases like Beaumont Children, Donald Mackay and William Tyrrell.
The Kings Cross Sting works behind the scenes to get drug thugs moving more than $1,000,000 dollars a week. Join us on the adventure of exposing the underworld of the Scorpion gang.
The closed little brothel on Darlinghurst Road, World Famous Sparkling Chandeliers was the Museum coming ALIVE!
Remember this drug dealing gang in Kings Cross have never been brought down. A challenge? This was our mission needing all our brains to work together, seeing the underworld at another level where the Police corruption in the past had protected. All to be revealed.
Sparkling Chandeliers I found was a link to the hidden black magicK in Kings Cross today from the past to the present this gang still exists in 2020.
Join us on our Podcast to here from Jennifer herself unravelling the crimes where the Police turn a blind eye until they too understood the problem.
Donation to help fund work around the world you can note
"The Kings Cross Sting" to help work on the missions . Tax Deductible here

The wait is over. The Kings Cross Sting has been finalised to a point in time. With our Private Investigation being taken over by the authorities...
It is just a matter of time...... Thrilling and entertaining, like the experience on a crazy roller coaster.
Join us as we walk beside the criminals and investigate from the Underworld to expose a drug network that still exists in Kings Cross today....
Have I sold the riddle within the Bible looking for the Holy Grail? This is an Ancient Organised Criminal gang that needs to be exposed. The book of law got me here.....

Jennifer Stone author of "The Kings Cross Sting" series exposing the drug network like never before "Where the bones remain".

JJuanita Nielsen unravelled this Outlaw gang.
The drug network in Australia is worth $30-50 Billion dollars a year.
With the drug importers they are setup by there own gang to go to prison after one, two or three drops all to protect the big boys within the drug network.
The biggest drug dealers in Australia don’t touch the drugs.
These are the research links that any of you can work on claiming reward money to find the missing or to catch the thugs that link to the big boys.
There is no reward money for Juanita Nielsen, to bring down a drug network or to expose the controller of the Mafia….
Dawood Ibrahim last whereabouts
Dawood Ibrahim D Company whereabouts
D Company links to Dawood Ibrahim Alleged as a $7 billion dollar business.